Healthy diet with honey,saves your money

                                         HEALTHY DIET       

                       WITH HONEY, SAVES YOUR   


Health is what we must take care of in order to pursue a smooth life .In a nation like India , numerous eatable things and delicious dishes keeps on attracting us.But to stay healthy and adapt proper personality we must have a balanced and a healthy diet ...

Now a days JUNK FOOD has indulged so much in our life that it has become a regular member of our diet .It has succeeded the healthy vegetarian food items and is serving as a SWEET POISON.

In various researches and surveys ,it has come up that the time when we are having these virtually nutritious junk items ,it seems that we have had our fills and have satisfied our tummies but actually it results in  long term diseases.

In order to survive on this ever-enhancing and ever running planet we must have a proper control on our body .At each and every aspect of life we can achieve anything we want if we are friendly with our body .

I am stating some fields/scenes hereby so that you can come to know how important is to be fit and active in today's world----:

1)If you want  to save your money expenditure on medicines and hospitals ,it is good to have proper nutritious food and have regular excercise.

2)Good health repels the distracting elements (stress and cold cough etc.)and allow  you to focus on your goals.

3) To get placed in any Government or Non-Government Organisation ,it is now required that an applicant must be mentally and physically fit enough to hold the applied post.

4)If you wonder to be on T.V or in films ,then it become mandatory to have a good body posture and personality .

5)If you  wish to rejuvenate yourself in your old age ,then you must start taking care of your body from this moment only.

Honey ,it seems to be a combo of five usual alphabets that starts our mouth watering but actually it comprises a package of numerous benefits that heals our body .

To have a limited  diet is good but to have it along with Honey ,makes a complete nutritious diet .

Honey has got  numerous benefits few of which are stated below:

Having Honey with warm water results in fat reduction on tummy.

Honey is also prescribed by the doctors to the diabetic patients .

Its ability to soothe coughs leads to reduce seasonal allergy symptoms.etc ..

In order to deal up with the demands of honey and to serve the man kind ,DABUR has come ahead and launched the DABUR HONEY product in the market.

HONEY is saving our money in the sense that  after the regular consumption of honey ,people have deducted  the number of their attendence in Hospitals and expenditure on minute -2) diseases.....................



The most common thing of which teenagers are worried off is the unwanted ,untimely Whelk known as Pimple.

In this modern era , it's a common healthy practice to compete on the basis of facial appearance & as one of the teenager , i have also been a part of this.

To look more attractive among others , i have always tried to take care of my skin but many a times 'pimples' have acted as a barrier in my path.

I have a dimple on my right cheek and since my childhood it has been loved and appreciated by others .But it looses its attractiveness sometimes because of pimple.

Various efforts were carried out by me to get rid of this reddish pimple. From traditional household remedies , to the numerous artificial cosmetics i tried everything but all my efforts were in vein.

Instead of decaying, this pimple invited many other small itching pimples and led my confidence down...

I lost attention and adopted a shy nature. But then i got GARNIER NEEM ACTIVE FACE WASH in my life and feeled the real difference..

I have tried to sum up the above scenario via a poem named as

I have a dimple
Very cute, very simple..
At proper place and at proper angle
It attracts very many people...

From double to triple
my fans increases in multiples..
God gifted me something uncommon in real
said my father and uncle...

I loved to listen in decible
wow! what a sweet dimple..
But who knows it was a happiness of days of couple
when i got a PIMPLE  IN THE DIMPLE...

I felt pity, i felt alone
as if it was a never ending MARATHON..
It seemed every single attention has gone
& somebody cursed me when i was born...

Pimples replicated from couple to ample
i didn't understand their basic principle..
The only thing i got in this whole Scandle
that Curse resulted a PIMPLE IN THE DIMPLE...

To get rid of this itching pimple
i had veggies and lot of apple..
Even from traditional to artificial
i tried each and every sample...

When nothing happened
my confidence got crippled..
I went to mosque,i went to temple
but there remained that annoying PIMPLE...

All efforts became inactive
simple tasks seemed to be hactic..
But gradually decaying rate grows +ve
when i used GARNIER NEEM ACTIVE...

Pimples lost their reddish trait
as if somebody had given them threat..
GARNIER NEEM ACTIVE came out as a saint
it forced pimples to get faint...

This poem is a gratitude's sample
bcoz GARNIER has set up a CHARISMATIC example......
